Welcome to the Website that teaches women and men how to like and respect each other. |
Ladies, have you ever wanted to ask a man a question and you felt you couldn't because you were told men never tell the truth? Then you will like this site. |
Guys, we also have some good information for you too. If you ever felt used or unwanted by women here's your chance to speak your mind. |
Hi, |
I'm Mr.Cam and I want you to ask any question's you want and I will answer them truthfully from a man's point of view. |
I often wondered why women made bad choices in relationships with men until I started looking deeper.I noticed women never listened to a man's opinion when it came to anything that could help or hurt her.most women go to other women for advice about men and to me thats where the problem starts. |
If you need to know what man really feels you should ask a man. A man knows what another man thinks and feels. |
I been on this earth long enough to speak on this subject so if you are wondering why I'm doing this I will gladly tell you. |
I meet so many women who have been hurt,used,abused and just outright played be dog/bad men.Many of these women seek out these losers to date,marry and have babies with.Only after the relationship has been destroyed do these women seek out a descent man.But now she is so beaten down that you are unable to trust any real man. |
I know many good men who all say the same thing.We get judged for something some Player did to you that's why i'm now an OG Player Hater. If I can teach one young lady to avoid those losers then I reached my goal. |
A player deals on words so I plan to expose his game so when you meet him you will be able to spot him before it's too late.These clowns are destroying our families world wide yet we allow them to live among us like kings. |
Face it, every dog/loser had a mother,a sister,a auntie and a grand mother.Until we hold these men accountable for their actions these monsters will continue to spreading their destructive seeds. |
Join me as I share real information with women in need. |
I also have a cool group of guys who also plan to help you too.Some of these guys are admitted dogs so they will break it down for you.Tell us what your man said to you and we will tell you the truth. |
Please visit these links below. they take you to more pages on our site.we thank you for taking the time to look around.please feel free to send us comments and suggestions. want this site to be helpful. |
I know so many goodmen out there and I know you know some too. you may even be one.If you are please contact us. we want the chance to showcase you so women can see what real men look like. we know what players look like but it's time to highlight the good guys. And I've gotten tons of mail saying that it's not all man's fault. If you read my site you will see that my focus right now is on helping goodwomen empower themselves.I'm not downing men I'm exposing all dogs.If you aren't a dog then you are safe.I want the Love back in our homes.I want to see Loving families raising our youth again.Let make the year 2000 the year men come home. |
Mr.Cam |